Xiaosong Jia (贾萧松)
jiaxiaosong1997 [At] gmail [dot] com
I am a final year CS PhD student (Wu Honor Class) at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, adviced by Prof. Junchi Yan. I am the recipient of CCF-CV fellowship (CCF-CV新锐, 2-3 CV PhD students nationalwide per year) and SJTU Scholar Star (上海交大学术之星, highest honor of PhD students in SJTU - 10 people per year).
Previously, I received my B.Eng in Computer Science from Zhiyuan Honor Class, Shanghai Jiao Tong University. I have the fortune to work with (chronological order): Prof. Xiaofeng Gao at SJTU,
Dr. Da Zheng and Prof. Zheng Zhang at Amazon,
Dr. Wei Zhan , Dr. Liting Sun , and Prof. Masayoshi Tomizuka at UC Berkeley,
Prof. Hang Zhao at Tsinghua University, Prof. Hongyang Li at Shanghai AI Lab, Dr. Shaoshuai Shi at MPI-INF.
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I am interestied in intelligence agents in physical world (e.g., autonomous driving and embodied AI). Currently, I am focusing on the reinforcement learning, end-to-end autonomous driving, and world model.
I am on the job market in 2025.
Selected Publications & Projects
* denotes Co-First Authors
Planning-oriented Autonomous Driving
Yihan Hu*, Jiazhi Yang*, Li Chen*, Keyu Li*, Chonghao Sima, Xizhou Zhu, Siqi Chai, Senyao Du, Tianwei Lin, Wenhai Wang, Lewei Lu, Xiaosong Jia, Qiang Liu, Jifeng Dai, Yu Qiao, Hongyang Li
CVPR, 2023 (Best Paper Award)
All modules in one Transformer-based end-to-end network for autonomous driving.
TCP: Trajectory-guided Control Prediction for Autonomous Driving
Penghao Wu*, Xiaosong Jia* , Li Chen*, Junchi Yan, Hongyang Li, Yu Qiao
NeurIPS, 2022
Trajectory-guided control paradigm for end-to-end autonomous driving. 1st method on Carla Leaderboard, with only a monocular camera, outperforming other methods with multiple cameras and LiDAR by a large margin.
INTERPRET: INTERACTION-Dataset-Based PREdicTion Challenge
Wei Zhan, Liting Sun, Hengbo Ma, Chenran Li, Xiaosong Jia, Masayoshi Tomizuka
Co-organized the competition in ICCV 2021. I was responsible for the design and implementation of the Joint Prediction and Conditional Prediction Tracks.